The Colonial Theatre Tea Garden

The beauty spot of downtown Richmond was, in 1921, the Tea Garden of the brand-new Colonial Theatre. Herein, we recreate the essence of elegance, joy and hauteur that was once found in Virginia's first real picture palace. Bathtub gin is available at the top of the grand ramps.

Thursday, June 05, 2003

Although I usually enjoy James Lileks’ ( outlook on popular culture, his anti-Saddam jingoism is just a bit much. Ever since we declared war on evil, he’s had a periodic rant on Hussein’s general naughtiness, and why it’s good, GOOD that we took up the banner of righteousness and bombed the bejesus out of Iraq. Yesterday’s “Bleat” registered his horror that people are starting to think Bush II lied about the war. Well, maybe he did, but they found mass graves DEVOTED TO CHILDREN!!!! And therefore, how can we say this war was unjustified?

I can say that very easily, because I read an account via BBC of something considerably more horrific. (Oh–guess that doesn’t count; the BBC is evidently the tool of Satan because it doesn’t toe the US line.) The report told the story of a woman who escaped the marauding local militia–which seems to be killing anybody in its path regardless of politics–with her two daughters. She was separated from the children, who were both under ten. Returning to find them, she discovered from her hiding place that several people–including her two-year old daughter–had been hacked to pieces. The militiamen were roasting her daughter’s limbs over a fire while the girl, now arm and legless, was still gasping in agony.

I have never heard of anything so hideous. Does this illustrate why we must fight for Iraqi freedom? No, it does not, because it happened in Uganda. The UN is still dithering over whether or not a peacekeeping force should be sent. The one nation that wants to do something? France.

Stupid Ugandans. Don’t they know that they could save themselves, if only they lived on top of a vast oil field?

If France is the enemy of freedom, why does she support humanitarian interests? If the United States is the champion of good and right, why do we depose one somewhat nasty dictator (without being asked, mind you) while children are being roasted alive while their mothers watch on the same side of the globe?

Sorry, can’t talk now. Gotta fire up the SUV and run out to Hagerstown for some milk.


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